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Can Cats Drink Coffee? Or Is It Toxic To Cats?

As you’re enjoying your morning coffee, you might notice that your cat is interested in what you’re doing. It may even be trying to sneak a sip when you put your cup down.

But should you let your cat have some of your coffee? Or it is bad for them?

The answer is no, your cats cannot drink coffee. The caffeine in coffee is toxic to cats.

Keep reading to learn more about what happens if your cat drinks coffee.

Is It Okay For Cats To Drink Coffee?

You should never let your cats drink coffee because it is not good for them. In fact, the caffeine in the coffee is harmful to cats.

Veterinarians say that cat are actually more sensitive to the caffeine in coffee than humans are.

That being said, one tiny dose of it won’t kill them. So, if you spill some coffee and your cat laps up a drop or two, then it’s nothing to be overly concerned about.

However, each little bit of caffeine can do a little bit of organ damage to a cat. So, overtime it is toxic, even in small doses.

Primarily, the caffeine in coffee causes heart and nervous system damage in cats.

Can Coffee Kill A Cat? How Much Coffee Is Toxic To Cats?

Yes, if a cat consumes too much coffee, then it can kill the cat. But how much is too much?

The good news is that if your cat laps up a drop or two of coffee, then it won’t kill them.

But too much coffee can kill a cat. Research shows that it takes approximately 70 mg of caffeine per one pound of body weight to overdose your cat on caffeine.

So, that’s how much coffee is toxic to the point of death for cat.

Keep in mind that caffeine levels vary by coffee, for example it takes less Turkish coffee than instant coffee.

What If My Cat Drank Coffee?

Despite your best efforts to keep your cat away from your coffee, that sneaky feline may have stolen a sip or lapped up some of a spill.

So now what?

Unless your cat indulged in a lot of coffee, then there’s no real need to worry about death.

But if you notice any changes in your cat after consuming the coffee, then it’s a good idea to call your vet and get professional advice.

Symptoms from too much caffeine can appear as soon as 30 minutes after the cat drinks the coffee and last as long as 12 hours.

Common symptoms include hyper activity, rapid heartbeat, and gastric distress. In severe cases, your cat may become lethargic and weak, so definitely contact your vet if you notice this.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, cats should never drink coffee. Not only is it not good for them, but in large amount the caffeine is toxic and can kill the cat.

But if your cat only had a taste or licked up a small spill, then it’s likely nothing to be concerned about. And you can just keep an eye on your feline for any out of the ordinary behavior.

If you’re concerned that your cat has ingested some coffee, then you might want to call your vet or local animal hospital to get professional advice on what to do with your coffee drinking kitty.

photo credit: Flickr, CC 2.0

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